Thursday, April 12, 2012

Looking for low-to-mid-priced places with atmosphere

Hi there,

I%26#39;ve been doing research for months and have enjoyed reading about all the great food in Paris! However, it seems like the %26quot;best value%26quot; places are all in fairly nondescript bistros and brasseries. Are there any of these places that are also lovely to look at? I%26#39;d like to find some places with nice atmosphere as well as good food at a good price. Is that asking too much??? :)




Bonsoir Nina,

I am certain that you would get a lot of answers if you could mentionned what you considered a good price in euros. What can be a good price for some might be to expensive for an other. Is 50euros a person a good price for you? Is 25 euros a person a good price for you? Do you included wine?

Maybe if you named a restaurant you like we could also understand better the type of atmosphere you are trying to find.


Thanks for the feedback. The price range can be fairly wide...20e-50e per person for dinner. We don%26#39;t drink a lot of wine...probably one glass for me and a sip for hubby. (We%26#39;ll be asking for %26quot;un carafe d%26#39;eau%26quot; a lot, I suspect.)

I haven%26#39;t yet been to Paris, so can%26#39;t give an example of a place I like. I was just thinking it would be nice to have some ambiance with flowers, nice colors on the walls, lovely fabrics, pretty plates...things like that. Not sure if that%26#39;s possible. I keep reading about places with fabulous food, but the restaurants themselves are often described as %26quot;nothing to speak of.%26quot; I%26#39;m certainly fine with that for some of our meals, but not the entire week!

We%26#39;ve planned our %26quot;blow out%26quot; meal at La Tour d%26#39;Argent, and it sounds like even there the room itself isn%26#39;t much, but the view is to die for. (Perhaps I%26#39;m wrong there?) Would love to go to Le Grand Vefour or Les Ambassadeurs and soak up the atmosphere there, but we won%26#39;t be able to swing 2 break-the-bank meals. So...if there are any smaller, less-grand, but lovely rooms where we can enjoy some atmosphere and good food, please let me know.




Le Train Bleu has atmosphere galore...

There is a great book out that has yet to fail me in its recommendation of lovely historic restaurants in Paris with fair appraisal of the food. It is called %26quot;The Historic Restaurants of Paris,%26quot; by Ellen Williams.

One of her rec%26#39;s is Pharamond at Les Halles... Art Nouveau oiginals with Normand cuisine.


I really second Phread in her recommandation of le Train Bleu. It is really a wonderfull place, try to watch la femme Nikita on video, it%26#39;s this place that hosts Nikita%26#39;s first action so you will see it perfectly.


Terzio for Le Train Bleu or la Fermette Marbeuf.

Here is the link for le Train (All abroad!)

Here is the link for la Fermette

My two favorite for the lunch with the nieces.

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