Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hospitals in Toulouse

A friend of mine who has a house in Guillac has been taken seriously ill with a brain tumour and is currently in a coma, but I don%26#39;t know which hospital to call. Does anyone know of any near there?


God bless


Here are some leads:

Hospice St. Joseph de la Grave

Hopital J. Ducuing

Hopital Purpan Casserlardit - this one looks very large I would try this one first.

I just got these off of my Toulouse map, I know nothing about them.


Purpan is the biggest hospital in Toulouse. I doubt they speak english tho, but here is their phone number : 05 61 77 22 33


Did you ever locate your friend? I hope so.



If you are still needing help, my boyfriend is English and lives in Toulouse. He is fluent in French so would be happy to help you.


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