Thursday, April 12, 2012

to travelbuddy

to travelbuddy..don%26#39;t mind giving you my e-mail addresss but not sure how to do any event, we never went into caen unfortunately but i expect it would be a good place to either start or finish a visit to the beaches..would definitely recommend a guided tour of beaches though unless you have a strong background on the invasion..also a viewing of %26quot;saving private ryan%26quot; or %26quot;patton%26quot; before you set out might be helpful for your to what a doable drive would be, i can only tell you what we did on the recommendation of the hotel staff and a bit of searching through st michel is not to be missed..even if you do not know the history, the mere sight of it coming out of nowhere is incredible..the distance to honfleur (a beautiful fishing village untouched by the bombing) is just about an hour on the highway from bayeux but the coast route is just beautiful..the towns%26#39; architecture along this route is fairy tale pretty..i found that the ability to get out of a car at the invasion sights and in the towns satisfied my son%26#39;s (14) need to move..if time is limited (as ours was) i would suggest not missing the coast..if you speak any french it would be helpful, my high school russian not so helpful but the people we met spoke good english or enough to help us out..hope this helps


My email address is We just watched the Longest Day and hopefully this weekend we will see Saving Private Ryan. Did you go see the Tapestry in Bayeaux? I have more questions, but could ask them in an email if you don%26#39;t mind. Thanks

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