Thursday, April 12, 2012

Paris metro compared with Washington, DC

We frequently visit Washington, DC and love the ease of getting around on the metro system there. Other than size, is the Paris system as easy to navigate?


I live in DC and travel to Paris fairly regularly. I find the Paris metro as easy, if not easier than DC%26#39;s.


DC%26#39;s metro%26#39;s big drawback is you can only travel approximately radially to, from and through the center. Think of all the traffic that could disappear if it could have orbits going around the outside like along the Beltway, but then more parking would be needed. Paris%26#39; metro has this advantage without its drawbacks until you start heading out of zone 1 which is only about 7 miles in diameter. DC%26#39;s middle is 10 x 10 miles square (about twice as large as Paris Zone 1) and its Metro isn%26#39;t anywhere near as flexible in this central area.

DC%26#39;s neighborhoods are far less safe in which to stroll about than Paris%26#39;.

DC%26#39;s metro has less than 0.1% graffiti than Paris%26#39; in square area of walls having been tagged.


I like the Paris metro better because it stops at better places.


I ride DC%26#39;s metro all the time and I%26#39;ve been to Paris several times.

You navigate in the same way, knowing the name of the end stations.

You don%26#39;t HAVE to figure out fare card machines, you can buy tickets from people in Paris.

You%26#39;re never more than 500 yards (it seems) from a Paris metro stop.

I think a foreigner has an easier time navigating Paris metro, than DC%26#39;s, in part due to the signage.

The Paris lines are numbered, I think that makes things very clear. DC metro is smaller so really not an issue, but being color blind I have a terrible time with London%26#39;s tube maps. Part of DC%26#39;s being easy to navigate is the smaller scale.

You only need to learn that %26quot;sortie%26quot; means exit and %26quot;correspondence%26quot; (pardonthespelling) means transfer

Conclusion: If you can navigate DC, you can navigate Paris.

Advice: Walk or bus whenever possible in Paris, you don%26#39;t to spend too much time underground.


I live just outside Washington and have a home in Paris, too. The Paris metro is so superior. It isn%26#39;t as clean as DC%26#39;s, but it actually goes to the places you want to go! It%26#39;s just as easy to navigate and faster.

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