Saturday, April 21, 2012

California/Paris Le Fluers de Spring

To all of my %26quot;homie(s) blessed to live in sunny California. When

I envision Paris, which is often , I see flowers, flowers on cafe tables,

flowers in tre elegant%26#39; arrangements in upscale dining esblishments,


on night tables, flowere in pensions, bed and breakfast inns, flowers

in hotel lobbies, and atriums, and mostly the gorgeous flowers en

le foire. I just heard that the dismal, torrentials rains of this past

winter has left sunny California - the desert- ablaze, awashed, verdant

in beautiful fields, hills, mountains, valleys of flowers. Is it true, has

anyone seen this divine spectacle of opulence?

ciao,bella et bon chance.tmarie


Yes - the deserts are blooming. I drive out there last weekend to see the lovely poppy fields. It wasn%26#39;t in full bloom yet, but I have seen pictures of other areas covered with beautiful flowers.

I am going to Paris and the Loire Valley this summer and can;t wait.


Merci%26#39;Beaucoup Sharmy, thanks for taking the time to share what

you have seen. I love California poppies I am sure I have several packets of seeds ready to sow as soon as Michigans%26#39; weather permits. Gracia, Vayos con dios et bon rendez-vous. tmarie.


Yep. Up here in Bay Area land, the hills are a stunning green and the trees are in full blossom already. Beautiful to look at. But it comes at a price for those of us with allergies. It has been a rough spring already, especially a couple of weeks ago when July weather broke out immediately after two months of ark-building weather. Thank goodness for modern non-drowsy antihistamine pharmacueticals!


It%26#39;s true. I have never seen the hills so emerald green and everything flowering. It%26#39;s simply gorgeous on the central coast. And when we were driving from our home four hours to the San Francisco airport it was just as gorgeous the entire trip. Awesome. I am very lucky not to have allergies though.


Merci Beaucoup et Gracia mes ami(s): Thanks for the eye candy

reports. Regret your allergies must be tres difficult!


you had a full four hours of visual aid . I am cetain it is as beautiful

there right now as in any other place on this green planet of ours,

oceans, snow capped mountain, lush verdant hils, desert luxurious

with flowers hmmmmmm. I can acually smell the air and feel the

breeze of that tres plaisant ride home. vayos con dios et bon voyage

( maman use to say %26quot;bon voyage%26quot; was for ships - airplanes are called air ships, non, oui?


The allergies are actually quite a small price to pay. For instance, this morning as I left my house in the hills south of Oakland, the air was so clear (thanks to all of the rain we have gotten) that I could almost make out individual windows in the Transamerica building. The sight of the bay ringed by green hills and sparkling in the early morning sun is one I never get tired of.

Of course, once I descended to freeway level, I spent 45 minutes in traffic on my way to work =(, but that%26#39;s another story entirely.


Oh the price one must pay to live in a geological/geographical paradise. I am working on geting back home so I can help my fellow homies pay the price. tee,hee.

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