Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hotel de La Vallee

Greetings! My wife and I will be making our first trip to Paris. Booked at Hotel de La Valle near Rambateau. Can%26#39;t find a review on it. Anyone with views on this hotel and the surroundings? Merci.


I have to ask, when you are planning on visiting Paris and how long you%26#39;re planning on staying? The Hotel de La Vallee is a basic 1-star best suited for, how should we put it, someone on a very tight budget. Did you book this hotel strictly because of it%26#39;s low rate, or location. This is something a college student might consider if he%26#39;s low on funds, not someone making their first trip to Paris with his wife.

You won%26#39;t find many reviews on it for a number of reasons, but check out the following web page for some basic information.…delavallee.asp

If you decide to change you mind (before your wife leaves you) and want to look for something a little more upscale and inviting, or at least something in a more refined neighborhood, then we offer the following:


I recently found Hotel de la Vallee on your Web site and had a very bad experience there and urge you not to stay there.

Hotel de la Vallee smells bad, there are stains on the carpet and on the bed spreads, but the worst is the daytime concierge%26#39;s disgusting attitutde towards guests. He%26#39;s obviously someone who is unhappy and let%26#39;s it out on international tourists. to make things worse, the cleaning lady walked in on us at 9:00 a.m. in the morning! Two hours before check out time. It was horrendous.

It%26#39;s cheap, but it%26#39;s not worth it. I would have much rather spent the extra 25 euros and stay in St. Germain or the Latin Quarter because Rue Saint Denis is where all of the prostitutes do their business and it%26#39;s also the locaction of Paris%26#39; adult shops and peep shows.

Definately did not enjoy staying there, but like I said before: it was the stinky attitude of the daytime concierge more so than the low-class conditions of the hotel. Don%26#39;t let their friendly looking Web site fool you... it%26#39;s a sham!

(And by the way, I speak French, so there was no language barrier)

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