Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Where is Poliane Bakery

Is there just one main Poliane Bakery? Or are there several? If so, is there one in the 15th near the Eiffel Tower?


As far as I know there is only one, the original Poilane boulangerie - on the rue du Cherche-Midi in the 6th. It would be a bit of a hike - not a huge one - from the Eiffel Tower.

But if you just want to sample some pain Poilane, there are a lot of cafes and wine bars that advertise that they serve only Poilane bread with their sandwiches or charcuterie or whatever.

(I know that Lionel Poilane%26#39;s brother established an independent boulangerie somewhere in Paris, but I don%26#39;t know where it is.)

And Lionel est mort malheureusement l%26#39;annee derniere...


You can also buy several varieties of Poilane at Monoprix.


Lionel Poilane

8 Rue du Cherche Midi


Tel: 01 45 48 12 59

49 blvd de Grenelle

75015 Paris

Tel: 01 45 79 11 49

and you might like to try the one in London as we have met in that forum discussing your plans for the first few days :o)

The bakery of the late Lionel Poilane, sells its signature pain au levain, baked on the premises in a wood-fired oven. Look out for the sweet Pain d%26#39;��pices (a honey cake with rye flour), and grey moist sea-salt from Brittany, on sale together with their own flour from France.

Poilane, 49 Elizabeth Street, London SW1 (020 7808 4910) www.poilane.fr


ebabe69 -

I type corrected! Thank you for the info about the bakery on the bd de Grenelle. That is definitely much closer to the Tour Eiffel.

Does anyone know how long that branch has been in existence?


i think poilane bread at monoprix is not exactly the same than lionel poilane bread. maybe i%26#39;m wrong but i know that franprix sells max poilane bread, the same style of writing, but it%26#39;s max poilane and i made the comparaison it%26#39;s almost the same, but a little different (i tried the ones with nuts inside).


Bonjour alex - ou mieux bonsoir -

Ca va?

Max Poilane is the brother of the late-lamented Lionel, yes? Do you know where he has his boulangerie? And you say his bread is of the same style as that of Lionel, but is it as good?



Hello Irish Rovr Not sure about the Blvd de Grenelle shop - might try and check it when I am in Paris next month.

You are indeed correct when you say Lionel Poil��ne est mort :o(


ebabe: Thanks for this info as well. Re London, I%26#39;ve revamped the itinerary (I think); will look for your input on that later. Also have questions on the tube travelcard (see my posting re Hampton Court.)


irishrvr, i tried the bread with nuts, the taste was almost exactly the same, but max poilane bread slices were a bit more large. i did not try the other breads, and i dont know if it is his brother or just a brand that is sold in supermarkets. my mother in law was a friend of lionel poilane%26#39;s wife, who did great earings and jewels, and yes they died in an helicopter accident, and had 2 daughters. one of the daughters wants to take the greediness off the 7 sins :P


If you want to experience something special you must go to THE Polaine Bakery and politely ask to go downstairs to see the ovens. It was one of the BEST parts of our trip--so simple, so private and unique, a fabulous memory accompanied by a smell that cannot be duplicated. Thanks to the folks on the board that told us about this. (and it was free!--except you cannot go in there and NOT buy bread, it is impossible to pass up)

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