So far, I gather that the Louvre and Versailles each have a separate entrance for pass holders. I would like to go to the Arc de Triomphe, Musee D%26#39;Orsay, Sacre Couer, and Musee Cluny. Do they have separate entrances as well?
Thank you.
Hello there - Musee D%26#39;orsay does and when we were there in early March (when there weren%26#39;t many other tourists around) the queue was still pretty long to get in through the main entrance. We had passes so went in through the side entrance to the right of the building - took about 3 minutes - security check, checked in the coats and off we went. The Arc didn%26#39;t have a seperate entrance (at that time). Can%26#39;t tell you about Musee Cluny - didn%26#39;t get there. The passes are well worth it, even if you don%26#39;t get to all of the places you plan cos you save so much time. The passes don%26#39;t give you entrance to Sacre Coeur or Notre Dame, so you do have to queue there..
For the most part NO. You enter through regular entrances--and pass through security--nut you simply don%26#39;t have to stand in ticket lines first. This speeds up entry at most places.
Alot of the places I went to did not have a seperate line/entrance for pass holders. The entrance and the ticket counter were the same thing.. so I had to wait in line just to show them my pass. Louvre, D%26#39;Orsay and Versailles were the only places I went to where the ticket counter %26amp; entrance were seperate. I didn%26#39;t get to go up the Arc as their was a strike the day I went.
Hollywood do you remember the names and location of these places?
Hi, Pantheon was one.
And hmm, now that I%26#39;m trying to recalculate all the places I went to on the pass--- I might have only entered those 4 places (including louvre, versailles and d%26#39;orsay)
But I%26#39;m recalling having general problems %26quot;jumping the queue%26quot; with the passes, as I experienced problems in London. I was turned away and told to wait in line despite having the London pass.
Seperate note: The pass didn%26#39;t work for me at Notre Dame. I%26#39;m unsure off the top of my head what exactly the pass was suppose to do for you in Notre Dame, but while I was walking around inside, I saw a seperate area where they charged for admission and I tried to use the pass but they said it was not good there.
Holly I must go to a meeting right now but I will be back, to investigate some more. There is something very wrong if you were not allow to use the coupe-file as we call it in French. Always work for me.
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