Hi there,
My fiance and I are trying to find the cheapest airfare to Paris for the end of May. We are not students or senior citizens and are trying not to spend too much. Anyone know any good but cheap websites? Also is there smoking on international flights still? Last question, can you actually fall asleep in economy class seats? I just don%26#39;t think I%26#39;ll be able to sleep without being comfortable. Any tips pr experiences? Thanks.
I usually find the best prices on the AirFrance website, but I%26#39;ve done really well at www.mobissimo.com. There is no smoking on international fights (hooray!). Coach seats are always uncomfortable, but the $5K pricetag for full business class just isn%26#39;t worth it. It%26#39;s my (currently unfulfilled) mission in life to travel so much that I have a never-ending supply of upgrades :)
If you%26#39;ve never flown overseas before and are worried, try to lie down as much as possible as soon before your flight as possible. You won%26#39;t get another chance to for quite a while.
Fortunately, Philadelphia to Paris direct isn%26#39;t too bad. 6 hours?
Wait until you do NY to Singapore direct...or Troy, AL to Hydrebad, India with a gazillion connections...
I find Yahoo!Travel to be a nice, really quick overview of what%26#39;s available in any given timeframe. It doesn%26#39;t give visibility to any Southwest type airlines.
If you see something good on Yahoo!, then go directly to that airline%26#39;s website and get an even better deal on the same thing.
You can try Priceline, but you%26#39;ll never know what you%26#39;ll get.
I subscribe to travelzoo.com
You have to be a member of yahoo, but it%26#39;s free. Air Tahiti Nui has some great deals with hotels that I think are still available. We just flew over for Valentines day for $500 for two! May is starting to be the high season so the deals will be fewer.
Sleeping in economy...I bought an inflatable neck pillow at KMart. It was great. I never sleep while I travel and this made a difference. Earplugs help. We slept for about 5 hours before our flight left so we were fairly tired when we got on the plane. Take any sleeping aids that work for you like tylenol PM, chamomile tea or lavender. The best bet is not to have high expectations. The flight home is harder because you will be flying into the sun and some people don%26#39;t close the windows in order to darkend the cabin. Sleep is possible.
I didn%26#39;t notice you were in PA. 6 hours is nothing. You are so lucky! Try 11-12 hours.
Ugh - we returned from Paris last night (DC through Philly to Charles de Gaulle) on US Airways. Watch out!! The airfare was cheap (through priceline), but we missed our connection in Philly and wound up having to fly into London, instead (or wait until the NEXT EVENING%26#39;s flight out!!). Took the chunnel over ($335) and our luggage didn%26#39;t get delivered for 5 days!
The US Airways return flight wasn%26#39;t any better. The connection from Philly to DC was late (as usual) and we had to RUN through the airport to make the connection.
Found out from the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport staff that this US Airways flight from Philly is late (by at least two hours, sometimes four!) on five days out of seven.
We will never fly them again - go with Air France - many of the people staying at our hotel flew out on Air France and loved it. For the extra $$, it has to be worth it!
Thank you for the help. I will take the advice about US Airways. So there is no more smoking on flights anymore? How long will an 8 hour flight really feel?
%26gt;How does 8 hours feel?
Are we there yet? heh heh.
A lot of these airlines have a little map of the world you can look at with a tiny little plane shaped thing on it that shows you where you are...
Bring ear plugs. The next worst thing is listening to loud snoring or child screaming for 8 hours.
An 8 hour flight without second hand smoke will be heaven compared to if you were allowed to... for everyone else on board. Take a gravol or something and sleep. The only thing that even comes close to being as bad a cigarette smoke is a cranky smoker.
Hiya Picture Perfect!
I flew Air France. A fairly decent class of service is what you get, and you earn miles too for future discounts or upgrades! As someone else mentioned, on the t.v. screens they often show a map, and a %26quot;where you are%26quot; airplane...don%26#39;t look at that screen, it will just depress the h*ll out of you! And don%26#39;t look at your watch, either for that matter, it doesn%26#39;t seem to move on long flights!
I quit smoking nearly 5 years ago, (best thing I ever did for myself!) but I know it will be difficult for you to go 8 hours without a smoke, but bring gum to chew. Go out and buy a bunch of those cheap handheld electronic games, like tetris or yahtzee. On the Air France flight they have a self-serve refreshment center between meals where you can get a soda or an ice cream bar and stretch your leggs. Read lots of gossip magazines. You will make it through!
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