Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chocolate Souffle

We will be dining at Le Train Bleu during our stay, which serves this. However, if anyone has suggestions for any restaurants which serve the best (or nearly) in all of Paris, do tell.

Thank you.


Le Train Bleu has the BEST dark chocolate ice cream in Paris.

There is a restaurant called Le Souffle that was rated as having the best choc. souffle by the Figaro recently. Sorry, but I can%26#39;t remember where it is.


Thank you, Phread.



There%26#39;s a wonderful website here to find your Paris restaurants:…

It%26#39;s all in French though, so you must spell %26quot;Le Souffle%26quot; correctly, that is with an accent aigu on the final e.

It says that Le Souffle is at:

36, rue du Mont Thabor

1er - Louvre - Les Halles


There%26#39;s photographs on the website.

In the meanwhile, I%26#39;m heading over to Train Bleu for some of that dark chocolate ice cream...

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