Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pau to Lourdes

In May I will be going to Lourdes. Has anyone traveled from Pau airport to Lourdes? There seems to be a bus for 40E that makes the 40km trip (is that one way?). Is the railway between the two a better option or two far from the airport?


Steve, have you consulted a map? Lourdes is just SW of Tarbes, where there is a regional airport built just to serve the area.

To answer your question, the 40 Kms is one-way from Pau to Lourdes, but the 40 euros seems a bit steep.

The round-trip on the local train is about 6.30 euros for 2nd class with no reservations required.


I%26#39;m just back from Lourdes,what an awesome experience,I would request anyone who does visit Lourdes to attend the torchlight procession thats held at 9pm everyday that begins at the tent,visit the rosary chapel its beautiful,also the home where Bernadette was raised ...its just a 15 mins walk from Grotto,attend the 6:00am mass thats held at the grotto....its so quite,so pleasant,so peaceful %26amp; you can directly communicate with our lady.(If time permits visit the station of the cross)

Ways to get to Lourdes, my tour was organized by Tangney tours www.tangney-tours.com for any information or queries you may speak with Sue at (Tangney) or you can fly to Pau by ryanair www.ryanair.com %26amp; from there get to the Pau rail station ...board the train thats will get you to Lourdes,the Lourdes railway station is just 25mins walk from the Lourdes Shrine.Hotels (Hotel Tara,Hotel Alba,Hotel Saint Sauveur)

Hope this will help.




Hi there,

I am planning to go to Lourdes next August with my family. I need to know how far is from Pau Airport to the Pau train station? As my mother is quite old, it would be better to plan the journey%26#39;s time well in advance. Also, how long does the train trip from Pau to Lourdes take?

Thanks a bunch for any interest and comment.



Yes, the airport at Tarbes is only a few miles away, but there are only two flights a day from Paris. Pau is further, but there are many, many flights.

I have been in Lourdes the first week of May for the last three years. BE PREPARED FOR RAIN %26amp; COLD. Think of Worcester in November when it is not quite cold enough for snow.

The year before my first trip they had sun every day and it was warm -- too warm.


I, too will be going to Lourdes at the beginning of June. I am travelling from UK with Ryanair. I just want some advice about hotels. My sister a few years ago stayed at the Hotel Excelsior and I had a quote for 78 euro for bed %26amp; breakfast in a double (not sure whether it is for the room or per person), it seems oddd it is more expensive than half board.55.50 for half board and 65.00 for full board per day per person.

I am wondering whether it will be better to go for a full board as there is only 11.50 euro difference. Is it expensive to eat out and can you go to cheap cafe for food? Any Macdonalds there? I have also been quoted 33 euro for taxi single trip for one person. Has anybody been travelling from Pau to Lourdes by train, the quote is cheap approx 6 euros+ but am not sure how much will the taxi will cost to get to the hotel or whether there is any bus?

Please advise, undecided whether to go for a full board. I am going with my sister, she has been before and is coming from Mauritius to join me in the UK.

Steve, I have put this in your post, may be, we could share infor. My intention is to start a new post, but since this is my first time, did not know how to start a new one. Thanks a lot.

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