Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Budgeting for Paris

My boyfriend and I are going to Paris this August and we%26#39;re trying to save for the trip. I%26#39;m trying to get a general idea of how much we should plan spending daily on food, beverages, etc. We want to make sure that we save enough.


It%26#39;s a hard question. You could buy bread, cheese and wine at a market and your food budget would be one thing - or you could sit down to a 5 course dinner every night and your budget could be hundreds of dollars higher a day.

I would suggest you come up with a budget that%26#39;s doable to you and then figure out where you%26#39;d like to skimp and spend. For instance - last time I went my husband and I stayed in a 5th floor walk up with the bathroom down the hall and one shower for the whole place on the first floor - but it was 40 Euro a night and it allowed us to be extravagant when it came to eating out. For us it was worth taking sponge baths and washing our hair in the sink.


How much do you want to spend? If you are looking for a minimum, I%26#39;d say probably around 35 Euros a day. An inexpensive breakfast in your hotel or at an ordinary non-touristy cafe. Picnic lunch - baguette from a bakery, a little cheese or charcuterie (cold cuts), a bit of fruit from a market and a botle of water. Simple meal in a modest restaurant, maybe crepes or the like sometimes, and maybe a cup of coffee or a glass of wine in a cafe.

Most restaurants have their cheapest menus at lunch, so you could eat your main meal then and picninc in the evening.

It could be done for less, I suppose, or you could spend ten times that without too much difficulty.

I usually reckon on around 60-65 Euros a day, but I%26#39;ve been known to eat at some not exactly cheap restaurants, and I do like a good bottle of wine...


Howdy, Dmichelle!

As you can imagine, you could spend from 20 dollars a day to a million, it all depends on two things; your budget and your willpower!!

About the food, and the pricing....that depends strongly on how you plan on spending your time, and what sort of eater you are....that is to say, if a simple hot drink in the morning, with perhaps a piece of fruit, or bread is ok for you, then we can say that breakfast will be a major discount item for you! Same thing for lunch, and dinner too...no matter where you go in the world, if you can %26quot;get by%26quot; with less, that is a price advantage. Something to consider: a sort of phenomenom of Paris is that you eat your breakfast, and the next time you are hungry, or think about food, is dinnertime! You wonder what happened to lunch? Lots of fun, running about and seeing the sights...that is what happened! Save lots on lunch, this way! But if you do get hungry, there are tons of corner cafes that have a little %26quot;fast food%26quot; counter that sells pre-made submarine type sandwiches and drinks.

Check out your local neighborhood for the %26quot;Alimentation General%26quot;, which is a small corner market (but not on a corner, necessarily!) and bring %26quot;home%26quot; (your hotel room!) some camenbert cheese, sliced breads, really cheap wines, crackers and the like...you can really do Paris for 50 Euro a day, food and museum admisions....it%26#39;s the extreme willpower part that makes this happen.

Good luck and have a great time in the city!!


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