Thursday, March 29, 2012

First timer, 1 week plans - any suggestions ?

Will be going for 7 days , and I would like to see the following

%26quot;major %26quot; attractions .

- Evening Cruise on Seine

- Louvre

- Napolean/Josephine Mansion

- Mouline Rouge Show

- Loire Castls Valley day trip

- Bruges, Belgium day trip

- Versailies

Will be staying in the Louvre district.

Can anyone suggest anything new or comment on the above attractions, especially Napolean Mansion, Mouline Rouge, Loire Valley, Bruges ? Were they wonderful ?


Brugges, Belgium. Pick up some Belgian chocolate while you%26#39;re out there. I recommend Corne, Galler and/or Neuhaus. Leonidas %26amp; Godiva are garbage.

Versailles. Go on a weekend so you can see the fountains turned on in the afternoon. If you plan on being in Paris again in the future, you can skip the interior tour on this trip. Hall of Mirrors (the highlight of almost every Versailles interior photo) is closed for renovations until 2007.

Josephine Mansion. I thought it was a waste of time, but then the Louvre suffocates me like shopping malls do. It%26#39;s out in the middle of Paris%26#39; western suburban nowhere. It takes a while to get there and there%26#39;s not much to see unless you really like antique furniture.

Evening Cruise on Seine. Sounds good. If it%26#39;s a special occasion, I recommend a dinner cruise, especially Bateaux Parisien%26#39;s Diamonte boat with its see-through roof, and raised (maybe a foot or two) middle deck. It%26#39;s a 92+Epp splurge but an unforgettable occasion for women visitors from other countries.


Bruges is kind of neat. Thanks to Thalys, you can get to Brussels from Paris really fast (1.5 hr?). Brussels to Bruges doesn%26#39;t take long.


It looks like that %26quot;inactive user%26quot; thing%26#39;s gone. I see that you%26#39;re in NYC. You can get Neuhaus chocolate in Grand Central Station and in only three other locations in the US. When you%26#39;re in Belgium, I recommend surgical strike of Galler and Corne.


I took a side trip from Paris to Bruges and I couldn%26#39;t wait to get back to Paris. I didn%26#39;t feel that the city was a living city - it seemed like an odd mix between a very pretty outdoor shopping mall and a museum. It seemed like a tourist trap and my travel companions agreed. Galler chocolates are nice - but it%26#39;s not worth the expense of getting out there in order to eat chocolates shop at an H%26amp;M.


Thanks for your replies , I appreciate them. Right now I am undecided as to Bruges and/or Naplolean Mansion.

I believe there is also a 1 day trip to London via ParisVision - never been there either.



We will be in Paris for seven days also, and we are taking the Eurostar from Gare du Nord for a one day trip to London. Very reasonable prices if you don%26#39;t go First Class and even cheaper if you buy the non-refundable, non-exchangeable fare. You can buy tickets thru the net. We are taking the Big Bus Tour (Hop-on, Hop-off) that includes a free one hour Thames river Cruise.

We are leaving Paris at 6:30 A.M. and returning around 23:30 P.M. Never been to London before, so we think it will be a good sampler.

Godd luck,



UConn1 - email me and I%26#39;ll send you my Paris notes. They cover many of the attractions that you have listed in your posting plus some extra %26#39;tips and tricks%26#39;. I would be careful about your %26#39;day trips%26#39; because there%26#39;s so much to see in Paris - it%26#39;s really tempting to go to different places, but try not to use up too much of your precious Paris time traveling elsewhere. Will you actually be there a full seven days or are you counting the day you fly from the US and fly back? If so, you%26#39;re only looking at about 5 1/2 days since you lose a full day flying over and typically don%26#39;t have time to do anything the day of your flight back.


Sorry, UConn1 - forgot to list my email address:

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